Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is an evidence-based psychotherapy to help people recover from trauma as well as a variety of other conditions. It helps to process upsetting images, thoughts, feelings, and experiences by focusing on back-and -forth movements generated by the therapist while thinking about the memory. Please visit the EMDR International Association or the National Center for PTSD to learn more about this type of therapy. Of the trauma therapies offered at Bisson Wellness, Inc., this is the only trauma therapy designed to address attachment traumas or generally upsetting memories in addition to PTSD.

Christine DelGreco Bisson is an EMDR Certified Therapist with the EMDR International Association. In order to earn this designation, she attended trainings and engaged in consultations with national and international therapists to ensure efficacy and proficiency in treatment.

Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPT for PTSD)

CPT is a specific type of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy to treat PTSD. It is a 12-session treatment intervention that helps evaluate and change the upsetting thoughts that have emerged since a trauma. Shifting thinking can lead to a shift in feelings and behaviors. Essentially, this therapy focuses on why you believe the trauma has occurred. For additional information on CPT for PTSD, please visit the National Center for PTSD.

Christine DelGreco Bisson was sponsored by the Home Base Veteran and Family Care Program to attend training and consultation through the STRONG STAR Training Initiative in this form of therapy to ensure that there are enough community providers to treat Veterans and their family members in need of care.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD (PE for PTSD)

PE is a specific type of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy to treat PTSD. It is a 10-12 session therapy that helps to approach memories, feelings, and situations that you have been avoiding since the trauma. Avoidance may help someone feel better in the moment, but does help resolve symptoms long-term. This therapy focuses on facing fears and confronting safe situations. For additional information on PE for PTSD, please visit the National Center for PTSD.

Christine DelGreco Bisson was sponsored by the Home Base Veteran and Family Care Program to attend training and consultation through the STRONG STAR Training Initiative in this form of therapy to ensure that there are enough community providers to treat Veterans and their family members in need of care.

Written Exposure Therapy for PTSD (WET for PTSD)

WET is a brief, 5-6 session therapy that helps to find new ways to think about a trauma and what it means to you. In this therapy, the therapist will offer guidance and support to write your narrative of the trauma in order to reduce emotional distress, decrease physical responses, and process the impacts of the trauma on day to day life. For additional information on PE for PTSD, please visit the National Center for PTSD.

Christine DelGreco Bisson attended training and consultation through the STRONG STAR Training Initiative in in this form of therapy to ensure that there are enough community providers to treat Veterans and their family members in need of care.